What is SAAS

SOFTWARE AS A SERVICE is a model where software is hosted centrally and delivered over the internet and typically accessed using a web browser. This model opens accessibility up to all sorts of devices capable of running a web browser.
SAAS falls under the umbrella of cloud computing and is generaly licensed on a subscription basis.

  • All devices always run the latest version of systems.
  • Updates are delivered immediatly.
  • One true version of all data.
  • Accessible anywhere, 24/7 as long as an internet connection is available.

Our take

For small to medium sized projects generaly no upfront development costs are charged, an initial 6 month contract is agreed upon after which it rolls over into a montly subscription.

Larger projects may require development costs depending on the size and complexity of the requirement, the exact cost can only be calculated after a requirements consultation. This also starts off with a 6 month contract, rolling into a montly subscription.

Our call center solution starts with an 3 month contract and then a monthly subscription.

Subscriptions can be cancelled with a calendar months notice.
